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鲜香惹味广东菜 煲汤



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    • • 作者:梁绮玲 著
      • 出版社:江西教育出版社
      • 定价:15
      • ISBN:9787535957160
      • 出版时间:2019年05月01日
      看图买材料Buy ingredients according to the pictures
      买回来的材料怎样处理?What to do with the ingredients?
      煲汤器具Tools for cooking soup
      看颜色食果蔬Choose vegetables and fruit according to colour
      开始煲汤Start daily soup
      西洋菜生鱼瘦肉汤Watercress soup with snakehead fish and lean pork
      赤小豆粉葛鲮鱼汤Adzuki beans soup with kudzu and dace
      山斑鱼瘦肉汤Shan Ban fish soup with lean pork
      牛鳅鱼芡实汤Flathead fish soup with fox nuts
      花胶象拔蚌汤Fish maw soup with geoduck clams
      响螺瘦肉汤Conches soup with lean pork
      响螺苹果鸡脚雪耳汤Conches soup with apple, chicken feet and whitefungus
      蚝豉发菜眉豆汤Dried oysters soup with black moss and black eye beans
      合掌瓜日月鱼明目汤Buddha hand melon good eyes soup with Yat-yuet fish
      鳄鱼肉灵芝汤Crocodile meat soup with Ganoderma
      木瓜眉豆花生鸡汤Papaya soup with black eye beans and peanuts
      海底椰鸡汤Sea coconut soup with chicken
      清润鸡汤Chicken soup promoting fluid secretion
      西洋菜鲜鸭胗汤Watercress soup with fresh duck gizzards
      黄豆煲鸡汤Chicken soup with soy beans
      冬瓜柠檬鸭汤White gourd soup with lemons and duck
      苹果雪梨乳鸽汤Pigeon soup with apple and pear
      莲子鲜奶炖鸡汤Stewed chicken and lotus seeds in milk
      猪牛Pork and Beef
      雪梨南瓜玉米猪瘦肉汤Pears soup with pumpkin, corns and lean pork
      凉瓜咸菜猪骨汤Bitter gourd soup with preserved vegetables and porkbone
      节瓜章鱼猪踭汤Hairy gourd soup with dried octopus and pork shoulder
      腐竹白果猪肚汤Bean curd sheets soup with ginkgoes and pig's stomach
      栗子莲藕粉肠汤Chestnuts soup with lotus root and pig's intestine
      土茯苓牛大力猪脊骨汤Poria soup with showy millettia and pork back bone
      海带花生猪脚汤Kelp soup with peanuts and pork hock
      霸王花煲烧骨汤Night blooming cereus soup with roasted pork backbone
      淮山桂圆牛腩汤Chinese yam soup with dried longan and beef brisket
      青红萝卜牛汤Green radishes and carrots soup with beef shin
      金银菜咸猪手汤Salted pork knuckle soup with cabbages
      芦根老黄瓜汤Reed rhizome soup with old cucumber
      金银百合南瓜汤Fresh and dried lilies soup with pumpkin
      健康汤Healthy soup
      强健筋骨汤Soup good for physique
      八宝莲藕素汤Vegetarian soup with lotus root
      杂菌豆腐汤Bean curd soup with assorted mushrooms
      杂锦瓜粒汤Assorted soup with white gourd dices
      鱼翅瓜肉片汤Spaghetti squash and pork slice soup
      烹饪小词典Cooking key words
      做菜和味道的常用语Common phrases of cooking and tastes
      常用调味品(附广东话发音)Common seasonings
      常用技巧Common skills


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